A Message from Amitabha Buddha to All Sentient Beings

From On Love A Discourse by Dharma Master Huijing Pure Land Buddhism Amitabha-Recitation Society, December 23 and 27, 2015 The Sutra of Infinite Life and Splendor says: May sentient beings caught in the various realms of rebirth be reborn soon in my land, so they can enjoy peace and happiness. Exercising compassion constantly to save all beings, I will […]

What was Possible, and What is no Longer: A Buddhist Dimension in La Dolce Vita

It’s a classic moment in film, one of quite a few from Federico Fellini’s black and white cinematic masterpiece. The charismatic but emotionally lost gossip columnist Marcello Rubini, played by Marcello Mastroianni, is at the beach, holding his hands up in bemused resignation as he struggles and fails to discern the shouts of a young […]

Exploration and Freedom: Womanhood, Relationships, and Love

Making women’s issues more visible is not just about putting more females in positions of religious authority, like fully ordained bhikkhunis. It is about discussing and acting out ways of relating and loving that women feel liberated by and unleash everyone’s potential to provide fulfillment, satisfaction, and even enlightenment for others. When it comes to the […]