Parnashavari: Goddess of Natural Healing

Parnashavari. From ཨོཾ་པི་ཤ་ཙི་པརྞ་ཤ་ཝ་རི་སརྦ་ཛྭ་ར་པྲ་ཤཱ་མ་ན་ཡེ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ། OM PISHATSI PARNA SHAVARI SARVA ZVARA PRASHA MANI SVAHA Parnashavari (Tib. Loma Gyonma) is a healing goddess who removes contagious and epidemic diseases. Her name means “dressed in leaves” and she embodies our connection with nature and natural methods of healing. She is an example of an Indian folk deity absorbed … Continue reading Parnashavari: Goddess of Natural Healing