Sherri Maxwell Current events in the US and UK have inspired thoughts on the multitude of conflicts in the world. How do we resolve them, I wonder? Immigrant vs citizen (Britain leaving the European Union), the 1 per cent vs the 99 per cent, black vs white, police vs civilian, and endless religious differences . […]
Sherri Maxwell
Destination Unknown
Sherri Maxwell When starting on the path, you have the guardrails up, the training wheels on, you are on track, and everybody is there to support you. How wonderful. We are headed towards “Enlightenment.” Your Sangha is heavenly, your Guru is amazing—you are all set. That is, until life events punch holes in your conviction […]
Compassion and Wisdom
Sherri Maxwell I’ve been lucky to experience moments in life that I learn from every time I revisit them. One moment in particular keeps me learning still and helps me understand compassion and its relationship with wisdom. It started off with the intention of giving someone a bottle of water because I thought they might […]
Walking on the Path
Sherri Maxwell I had several beginnings in studying/committing my mind to Buddhism (since 1997) and exploring what that phrase meant, but had not found my way until I landed in Hong Kong. I was on the underground/metro/MTR and saw amongst a homogenous sea of Asians a bald, Caucasian man dressed in Tibetan-style robes—a monk—with an eagle tattoo on […]