In the face of scandals involving sexual misconduct, it is not celibacy that needs reform, but rather monastic contact and communication with the opposite gender
Buddha Cārikā: A Documentary Series Based on 2,400 Kilometers of Retracing Xuanzang on Foot
The first episode of a milestone series based on the Buddha’s life and land, released by Dharma Drum Mountain
Nostalgia and Memory: Hong Kong Artist Sara Tse on Loss, Love, and Life
Hong Kong artist Sara Tse’s extraordinary solo exhibit is a secular retrospective on impermanence, nostalgia, memory, and re-telling
A Sculptor in the Reign of Prince Shōtoku: A Figure for Cross-Cultural Friendship?
How the 7th century figure of Kuratsukuri Tori set a cosmopolitan and multicultural example for Buddhist sculptors
Eye on Southeast Asia: Monastic Gotami, Womanhood, and the Sangha’s Inspirational Power
Burmese monastic Gotami’s personal example recaptures and renews a sense of the holy inspiration the Buddhist sangha has traditionally radiated
The Loving Encounter Between Non-Selves: Dr. Kin Cheung Lee on a Complete Model of Buddhist Counselling
Interview with Dr. Kin Cheung Lee, author of the first comprehensive book on a framework of Buddhist counselling
Niguma Yoga: Mental Liberation through Mastering the Body
A method of reaching mental liberation through physical attunement, Kalu Rinpoche’s Niguma yoga is transformative
Education and Growth: Serenity of the Path’s Insight
Part One in a six-piece series of reflections by Dr. Anthony C C Lok, Chinese Buddhist layman