One of 2024’s biggest video games is replete with Buddhist themes while also raising existential questions about destiny and fate
Tsinghua University’s New Study of Sakya Figures, Doctrine, and Places
A collaboration between the Sakya school and Tsinghua University is ushering in “spiritual civilization” and providing a model for collaboration between temples and universities
Menander: A Basileus and Maharaja in the Milindapanha
A series on the figures that shaped Buddhism across Egypt, Greece, and India. Our final figure: King Menander of the Indo-Greek Kingdom
The British Library’s “A Silk Road Oasis” – an ambitious story of the Silk Road’s finest textual treasures
A landmark exhibit, “A Silk Road Oasis,” is showing at the British Library in London from 27 September 2024 to 23 February 2025
Pyrrho: Greek hints of the Buddha’s Awakening
A series on the figures that shaped Buddhism across Egypt, Greece, and India. Second: Pyrrho the philosopher
International Buddhist Confederation: A firm rejection of religious fundamentalism
International Buddhist Confederation held its 2nd International Conference for Young Buddhist Scholars on 7 August in New Delhi
Public petition launched to support the 17th Karmapa’s visit to Sikkim
A petition for the 17th Karmapa’s future unrestricted travel reveals underlying tensions and conflicts over the general situation of the Karma Kagyu
The Shakya Sage and the Son of Ra
A series on the figures that shaped Buddhism across Egypt, Greece, and India. First up: the Buddha and Alexander the Great
Faith and Flamenco
The “3rd World Meeting Teresian Mysticsm and Interreligious Dialogue” concluded over 27 and 28 July with a good-spirited bond of friendship
The Mandala and the Mansion
The “3rd World Meeting Teresian Mysticsm and Interreligious Dialogue” is making history through its bringing together of Vajrayana and Catholicism in a formal dialogue