An extended conversation with Dagmo Kalden Dunkyi Sakya on everything important to her, from her social work to her family
Family and Meaning: Serenity of the Path’s Depth
Part Two in a six-piece series of reflections by Dr. Anthony C C Lok, Chinese Buddhist layman
“Discipline is everything” – Dungse Lama Pema on Facing the New Year with Energy and Hope
A conversation with the son of Lama Pema Lapchen Rinpoche, holder of the lineage of Nyingma master Guru Chowang
Who is Abandoning Who? Love and Expectations in “Harry & Meghan” and the Buddha’s Story
“Harry & Meghan” tells not only the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s story of separation from the Windsors, but also reveals tensions inherent in the family ideal, which the Buddha himself could not live up to
Bringing Compassion to Those That Need It Most: A Domestic Violence Worker Brings Buddhist Ideas to Survivors of Family and Sexual Violence
Australia-based DV worker Lynda Rushton shares how Buddhism brings a unique dimension to working with women living with domestic and partner abuse
Nurturing Narratives
Not long after the death of my grandfather (爷爷/爺爺), my family resumed its familiar tradition. When both my grandparents were alive, my parents, my sister and me would be regularly treated to dinner at their home, where we’d enjoy the familial and communal experience of eating together and watching television. The stark difference now was […]
Keep Smiling
I’ll never forget the smile of my grandmother (po po/婆婆). Her soft, inviting grin greeted me every time I visited her with my parents and sister. Po Po always seemed excited to see us, but she expressed her excitement with a modesty that few people could perceive or appreciate outside of the family. Her excitement […]
Mafan. 麻烦 or 麻煩 in Simplified and Traditional Chinese, respectively. Meaning: trouble; troublesome; a bother, a thorn in one’s side. Mafanwas one of the first Chinese words I learned as a child. My grandmother (maa maa / 嫲嫲 / nai nai / 奶奶) would utter the word several times throughout the day when I stayed […]
Displaced Dharma: Ukraine’s Crisis of Refugee Children
There are few experiences more distressing and traumatizing than being forced to leave home, and to flee somewhere, anywhere, that may offer physical safety from war. The endless calculations involved are exhausting: whether it is worth putting loved ones in further danger, fears of if the journey can be endured, and the sense of uncertainty […]