Nachaya Campbell-Allen examines a unique memoir that shows the individual path forward to a liberated approach to life
women in Buddhism
Ongoing progress in the full monastic ordination of women: Vajrayana
Thanks to the mighty efforts of female practitioners, scholars, and supporters, the Diamond Vehicle’s bhikshuni sangha of the Mulasarvastivada Vinaya is going strong into its 2nd year of modern revival
Ongoing progress in the full monastic ordination of women: Theravada
The global Theravada bhikkhuni community is thriving, with progress being made on multiple fronts
Mother, Surrogate, Wife: They Knew Better
A story through the eyes of the Buddha’s women, in celebration of Women’s History Month 2024
A Day Trip to Sacred Places in Kathmandu
Kathmandu has an almost unmatched range of spiritually charged sites, from monasteries and nunneries to locales of folkloric significance
Pictures speak a thousand words: Was the International Sangha Forum event in Bodh Gaya another “old boy’s club” event?
Adele Tomlin examines how a recent event intended to represent the sangha falls short of full and proper representation for women and the Vajrayana schools
A Decade of Progress: Revolutionizing Bhikkhuni Ordination in Modern India
Celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the first higher ordination of monastic women in modern times
Sisterhood: Celebrating International Bhikkhuni Sangha Day 2023
The Mahaprajapati Gautami Educational Foundation marked the commemoration of the founder of the women’s monastic order with a two-day conference over 29 and 30 September
Heiresses of Dharma: Pema Yangchen of Bhutan’s Ugyen Dongak Shedrup Dargye Ling
Pema Yangchen of the Pedling lineage emerges from her father’s and brothers’ shadows to share her life, roles, and responsibilities
Ayya Khema: A Last Rebirth of Unimaginable Richness and Depth
Our 100-years anniversary tribute to one of the seminal monastic Buddhist women of the 20th century