Treasure Caretaker programs running in Kathmandu this September

From 17 to 26 September, Treasure Caretaker Training is holding a series of events on contemporary paubha, thangka, and other Nepalese artworks. The events will be led by Ann Shaftel, founder of Treasure Caretaker, and Patricia Smithen. The venue will be at Taragaon Next, cultural space for interdisciplinary, contemporary, and creative projects in the heart of Kathmandu.

The events are divided into two sessions: Session One is a Nepal Session for Heritage Workers, Artists and Monastery Participants running from 17–21 September, while Session Two is a Professional Session running from 21–26 September.

Nepal Session (17–21 September 2024)

Tuesday September 17, 10:00, Taragaon Next

Welcome: Roshan Mishra, Artist and Director of The Taragaon Museum

Welcome: Michael Croft, UNESCO

Welcome: Swosti Rajbhandari Kayastha, Nepali and Buddhist Art Scholar and Lecturer at Lumbini Buddhist University, Kathmandu

Talk: Traditional vs. Contemporary Approaches: Ann Shaftel presents on Conservation approaches and working with sacred art in monasteries and museums, with a focus on Paubha/Thangka in monasteries, museums, and communities.  The presentation includes an introduction to risk assessments.

Lunch – Social – at Taragaon Next

Talk: Risk assessments by Ann Shaftel

Open Discussion: Following on the lecture, a discussion will be had with participants to discuss real life experiences with risks to collections and strategies for assessing and managing these.  Participants will discuss the risk assessment exercise which will happen on site on Day 2 at the National Museum.

Wednesday, September 18: Field Trip to the National Museum (meet at the museum at 10:30)

Risk Assessment Exercise: Break into working groups to visit the collection.  Depart Museum at 12:00.

Lunch: at Taragaon Next

Lunchtime talk with Dr. Diana Cousens on site accessibility

Talk: Introduction to Documentation of Condition by Ann Shaftel, focusing on practices for museums, monasteries, private collections and communities. 

Live Demonstration of Condition Checking by Trish Smithen

Documentation practice in groups using paubha and thangka to document with mobile phones, images, videos, digital light sources and written descriptions.

Talk: Rishi Amatya on site documentation using 3-D mapping

Thursday, September 19: Traditional and Contemporary Materials at Taragaon Next, 10:00

Talk: The materials and paint media for Thangka and Paubhas, with a focus on contemporary paint by Trish Smithen

Lunch at Taragaon Next

Lunchtime Talk:  Dr. Diana Cousens

Talk: Preventive conservation and care of Modern Paint Media by Trish Smithen

Demonstration: Practical session with hands-on examination and discussion of thangka /paubhas made with modern materials.  Discussion of preservation issues and preventive care of modern paint media.

Friday, September 20 at Taragaon Next, 10:00

Talk: Storage and Display of Thangka/Paubha by Ann Shaftel and Trish Smithen

Practical Storage and Framing Solutions: interactive session with participants.

Early Lunch – Social – at Taragaon Next

Field Trip: The Studio of Lok Chitrakar. Arrive by 13:30. The artist will present of his work.

Field Trip:  Walk around Lalitpur led by Rishi Amatya

Professional Session (21–26 September 2024)

Saturday September 21, Taragaon Next, 4-6 PM

Evening Formal Reception for participants, experts, embassy dignitaries, government, monastery and university officials. This event closes the workshop for Nepalese heritage workers and opens the workshop for international preservation professionals.

Sunday September 22: Taragaon Next, 9:30

Welcome: Roshan Mishra, Artist and Director of The Taragaon Museum

Presentations and Discussion: Ann Shaftel

Working with Sacred Art

Risk Assessments

Lunch: Social at Taragaon Next

Field Trip: Buddhist Monastery and Nunnery for Risk Assessment for Thangkas/Paubhas in monastery situation

Monday, September 23, Meet in Lobby of Lavie Residence, 8:30

Field Trip: Tara Thrangu Nunnery

Field trip: National Museum for storage and display discussion from 10-12

Lunch: Social at Taragaon Next

Q&A and Discussion of the Field Trips

Presentation by Ann Shaftel

Thangka Form

Conservation Treatment Options for Traditional and Contemporary Buddhist Treasures

Tuesday, September 24, Taragaon Next 9:30

Presentation and Discussion by Trish Smithen

Traditional vs. Contemporary Materials and their Care

Lunch: Social at Taragaon Next

Field trip: Depart Taragaon at 13:30, arrive at 14:00.

Enlightenment Thangka Studio: Tour of a commercial thangka studio and school, with hands-on painting

Wednesday, September 25, Taragaon Next, 9:30 am

Presentations and Discussion with Ann Shaftel

Challenges of conservation documentation on site

Presentation with Rishi Amatya

On site documentation using 3-D mapping

Lunch: Taragaon Next

Lunchtime talk with Dr. Diana Cousens

Disability site access to temples

Field trip: Walk around Lalitpur led by Rishi Amatya with a demonstration of the site mapping.  Ann to lead a walk showing paubha and other art in traditional settings in Nepal.

Thursday, September 26, Taragaon Next, 9:30

Presentation with Ann Shaftel

Safer Display, Storage and Handling

Wrap up and open discussion of documentation, risk assessments, care and preservation of Thangka/Paubha.

Early Lunch:  Social Taragaon Next

Field Trip: Depart Taragaon at 13:00, arrive at 13:30

The studio of esteemed Paubha artist, Lok Chitrakar.  Lok Chitrikar will speak to the group about his practice and materials, and the evolving art of paubhas.

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