A Good Kiss

A good kiss smells like nectar-filled 
factories and feels like skin wrapped over 
a corpse. Erupting from long-patient seeds,
it stands still in the mouth, as eyelids move
with the vaporizing speed of a crouching cougar
at a midday spring.
Shimmering ghostly white.

A good kiss is petite, luminous, and stingless.
Buzzing like undisturbed bees sipping from 
the edges covered with pink and emerald 
beadwork, it knows figures are keeping watch.

A good kiss cries with ear-splitting choruses
and senses vibrations from thunder. Scorpions
and tarantulas scuttle underfoot, and the ground
cracks apart like crawfish shells and suckling bird bones
blasted to a minimum by the sun’s motionless coil.

2 Replies to “A Good Kiss”

  1. Lol what is this?

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