Buddhist Film Foundation hosting BuddhaFest from 15 July to 26 August

From 15 July to 26 August, Buddhist Film Foundation’s (BFF) International Buddhist Film Festival (IBFF) are curating the film program for the 2024 Lion’s Roar BuddhaFest Online Festival. IBFF curates Buddhafest’s films each year, and 2024’s program highlights women in Buddhism by featuring a selection of 13 works from 7 nations about (and mostly by) women. From monastics to boxers, artists to activists, youth to elders, and from different Buddhist traditions to geography, the selection is extremely diverse. BuddhaFest is offering discounted all-access passes for interested viewers on its website.

The online pass includes: 

Nine new talks from Tara Brach, Sharon Salzberg, Roshi Joan HalifaxLama Palden Drolma, Kaira Jewel Lingo, Roshi Enkyō Pat O’Hara, Alisa Dennis, Sharon A. Suh, and Ruth King in conversation with Pamela Ayo Yetunde

Encore talks from previous BuddhaFests with Joanna Macy, Lama Tsultrim Allione, JoAnna Hardy and Sylvia Boorstein

14 Buddhist Films: An extraordinary collection of films focusing on women, or made by female filmmakers

A musical performance with acclaimed pianist Maria Joao Pires, accompanied by a Meditation with Matthieu Ricard

Tibetan Healing Mantras: A musical performance
with Drukmo Gyal Dakini

The coming six weeks promise to be a fascinating and inspiring immersion of Buddhist-themed media. 

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