Hong Kong’s Buddhist Banksy?

Keen eyed Buddhists on the streets of Hong Kong have noticed two most unusual graffiti tags on the metropolis’ walls of late. The first of these is “Mahayana” written in a stylized font.

We have also noticed stylized images of the Buddha’s head.

This Buddhist grafitti has been spotted all over Hong Kong, from Sai Ying Pun to Sai Kung.

Needless to say, Buddhist imagery is fairly atypical of grafitti art. Questions abound.

Is this the work of a single artist, or two? Or perhaps more? Is the choice of image motivated by religious sentiment, a desire to promulgate the Dharma? Or is a purely aesthetic choice?

BDG would love to interview the artist(s), entirely anonymously if that is
her/his/their preference.

We urge them to contact us if they are interested. Please answer our summons, Buddhist Banksy! 

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