I saw blood in the kitchen. My grandmother (奶奶) had cut her finger while julienning vegetables. As a child, I couldn’t believe how it was possible. I had seen my grandfather (爷爷/爺爺) finely dice vegetables with alacrity as he prepared stir-fried dishes for his hungry grandson. Never once did I see him cut himself.
River Teach Me
Inspired by a sacred Ute prayer River teach me changeas falling leaves decompose in the formless current River teach me hopeas the source and end, both come from mountains River teach me how to get lostas two young lovers walk along your bank not needing to be found River teach me how to savor the […]
Robes: An Invitation to Connect
Most Zen monks in the west only wear their robes for ceremonial purposes. But I’ve found that when I’m on my way to or from the zendo and wearing my robes, strangers in the street will approach me, wanting to talk. It’s not usually that they’re interested in Buddhism, it’s that they’re lonely and feel […]
Two People
By Dogo Graham 10th floor flathuman being sittingin meditation on cushion on floorfacing window window shelfpotted plant sittingleaning bending reachingfor sunlight Support Our Dharma Work
A Buddhist Reading of “Happy as a Dog’s Tail”
As a film and literature enthusiast, I am always on the look out for stories that evoke the Dharma. Today, I have a gander at the poem “Happy as a Dog’s Tail” by Polish Poet Anna Świrszczyńska (aka Anna Swir). Happy as a Dog’s Tail, by Anna Swir Happy as something unimportantand free as a […]
How To Fall Out of Love
If we are lucky, it is like an ant on thesidewalks of Times Square. This memory. This oval shaped, solid, durable, now fixed, singular, squishy, ripping sounding, earthy tasting, leathery,months-long, crimson-colored, knuckle sized thing. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as the Hazmat Review, Moria Poetry Journal, Chronogram Journal, Ampersand […]
Godzilla of Peace
This morning on the toilet I daydreamed about the Godzilla of Peace. He comes out of the ocean fifty-five stories tall, blue and fluffy with a party hat and sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt. At first the city people are afraid of the deep rumbling he makes as he goes along. But he seems nice, […]
Khamtrul Rinpoche: Living a Blessed Life
A religious teacher might not necessarily have much to share, unlike those of us (journalists, theologians, academics, and other guilty parties) who enjoy writing about them. That is the perspective of His Holiness Dokhampa Shedrub Nyima, the 9th Khamtrul Rinpoche (whose tulku lineage is affiliated with the Kagyu and Nyingma schools). He carries the message of […]