How the 7th century figure of Kuratsukuri Tori set a cosmopolitan and multicultural example for Buddhist sculptors
In Review: “The Taming of the Demons,” Charles B. Jones’ “Pure Land”
Here are some books I’m reviewing or have recently reviewed.
Dharma Dispatch, 17-21 September 2018: Mindfulness in Kenyan Prisons, Vietnamese Reconciliation, and Maharashtra Development
Good morning! Naivasha GK, Kenya’s largest maximum-security prison located just north of the capital Nairobi, is using a mindfulness training program to control violence and bring inmates and guards closer together. Dr. Inmaculada Adarves-Yorno, a lecturer in leadership studies at Britain’s University of Exeter, introduced the idea to the prison’s management. The mindfulness program seeks to improve prison culture […]
Dharma Dispatch, 3-14 September 2018: The Great Cleanup, Refuge for Broken Hearts, and Softer Indian Stance on the Karmapa
Good morning! After five years of tests and trials, scientists on Saturday launched a revolutionary new marine waste collection system from San Francisco Bay aimed at tackling the growing environmental crisis of plastic waste accumulating in the Pacific Ocean—the now-infamous Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The ultimate objective of the project—its initial incarnation has been dubbed System […]
Bridging China and Japan, the Buddhist Way
It’s the rawest of sensitive matters, the heaviest of historical burdens. I am referring to the shadow of past pain, bloodshed, and war crimes inflicted by Japan against China during the Pacific War that raged from 1937 until 1945. Yet behind the scenes of turbulent political relations and unhealed wounds, influential Buddhist forces in China […]