Faith represents our deepest convictions in life and elevates us beyond our daily routines, inspiring us to look to a lasting direction
The Meaning of Vesak in Our Time
Adapted from a speech given at the invitation of the Consulate of India, Hong Kong on 25 May, the eve of Vesak 2023
A Pandemic of Hope
As fast as the virus and then some, Love is spreading. In the hands of doctors and nurses, it spreads. Through the central nervous systemof the species like an electric shock. Love grows with invisible power.Love is spreading. Everywhere, in more places than the virus could ever be, Love is taking over. We are on lock down andLove is our warden. […]
It Exists In You
Is there anywhere elsein the universe thathas meaning? Meaning emerges from a configuration of atoms-An only island of meanings.I think it’s more wonderfulto say that we are it. Two trillion galaxies, such widespaces in between. What else can we think andwhat else can we want? We are that. It exists in you.