There is a forest thatI can’t get away from. A forest of tombs stillas tree trunks. Thereis a forest. The smell of red pine needles-the pathways of my ancestors. There is a forest. When I am not alive like I usuallyam. There is a forest. When I step in minktracks, I know these tracks in my tendons.I know this forest. It pounds into […]
You Are My Brother
I don’t give a damn about are my brother.And I don’t give a damn if it’s on a census orfamily tree. You belong to me and I belong to you. We are both spear points among the foundbones of our children’s great grand-children. We both work to figure out the clues of expansion-those notions […]
The Mud Softer Than Ivory
There is a forest that I return to when I can’t get away from the pulsationsof thinking. A forest of tombs as still as dead tree trunks and melodious as raindropson red pine needles. The paths of my ancestors.In this forest, I am not alive like I usually am. Stepping in mink tracks, I know this place inmy […]
Mendon Ponds
Life is just beginning todawn on most of us.But that happens here quickerthan most other places. Even though here, the glacierswere lured into a dead end,as the huge claws of timehauled across the ground likea long pause in someone’sconversation, leaving shoulder humpslike a bison’s, in looselyformed spherical organisms. Here, I feel the improbabilityof our connected minds.Codes in the maple […]
The Heart is a Constellation
Dying almost assoon as it is born,the heart dances ingroups of newborn stars. The heart isa constellation-a great disk shaped systemof gas, a retinue of unlit planets:An accident by the standards of the cosmos.Like a colossal swarm and a starsimply spluttering its way througha long series of ordinary eruptions. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included […]
Always Ringing
To make the headempty is such a heavything to do.For our minds are like a set of clear bucketshung out to gather rain.To be free of the distance betweenour father’s voice is such a close sound-one always ringingfrom the void. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as […]
Ordinary Like Our Sun
There are many kinds of deserts,but they all reject the notion that lifeshould flourish. That’s gravity. A grim background disturbing the atmosphere. But it can’t make you fall in love, or at least that’swhat Einstein said. With an exquisite fussiness, it intones mystical equations and leaks blood in -alabaster basins. Gravity is a creature of two […]
At the science museum they have a simulator. This one puts you on the surface of the Moon.It’s fun and unique for an adult. For a 3 year old,it’s a little terrifying. With every bump and shakeof the machine, he holds my shoulders a little tighter.I tell him we are almost done and he says “almost, […]
A Good Kiss
A good kiss smells like nectar-filled factories and feels like skin wrapped over a corpse. Erupting from long-patient seeds,it stands still in the mouth, as eyelids movewith the vaporizing speed of a crouching cougarat a midday spring. Shimmering ghostly white. A good kiss is petite, luminous, and stingless.Buzzing like undisturbed bees sipping from the edges covered with pink and emerald beadwork, […]
Stormy Monday
It’s as if a cat is unworthy of grief. After all, there are so many dying children. But some nights I pull into my driveway,still hoping to see him. I look up at the skyand wonder if it will snow. I examine the tracks in the yard. Is he in the landscape anymore?I turn the car off and […]