On 8 January 2025, an official letter, written by “Shechen Monastery” (not a named individual) was published on social media, unceremoniously (and disrespectfully in my view), relieving (i.e. sacking) Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche’s young incarnate teacher, Ogyen Tenzin Jigme Lhundrup, from his teaching duties and connection to his predecessor’s Shechen Monastery in Nepal, “until further notice.”
However, as one online observer stated: “The letter simply states that Rinpoche is no longer affiliated with Shechen Monastery. However, Rinpoche remains Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi, regardless of any association with Shechen.”
As an “accompanying” corroboratory evidence, a supposedly “leaked” video/audio was also shared anonymously on social media and Youtube alleged to be of Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche crying and speaking verbally about his sadness regarding the young Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi’s conduct towards women (accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct, and even rape, by several women according to online reports that have not been confirmed with the women themselves, and who have not identified themselves publicly).
Prior to that, I was also sent a video of the young Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi smoking a cigarette in front of followers (which does not seem to be fake), which clearly contravenes Buddhist teachings and the five main precepts. At that time, I wondered if the young tulku was deliberately trying to provoke and expose the inauthenticity and hypocrisy of the senior monks and lamas around him, or was he mentally unstable due to their influence, or both?
The young Dilgo Khyentse tulku has (so far) not made any public statement about the letter and actions of Rabjam Rinpoche and Shechen Monastery, but I and many others would certainly be interested in his “side”
A Facebook post on 24 January, by a woman connected to Shechen Croatia, offered a message of support to Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi, who had visited them last year. Their message, signed by 40 other followers from Croatia, stated that Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche’s letter asking them not to support or host Dilgo Khyentse for future events, due to his “concerns regarding Rinpoche’s misconducts, misinterpretations and, when it comes to Croatia—negative outcomes of his visits—left us feeling bewildered and disheartened.” And that despite his unconventional conduct during his visit, they felt he had left a positive impact.
As a writer, and survivor of sexual misconduct and abuse by a well-known Tibetan Buddhist Rinpoche (who publicly shared my first-hand testimony in 2020), as well as someone who has a Vajrayana connection to Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and who has visited and stayed at Shechen Monastery guesthouse several times, some people sent me this information and asked my opinion about it. I had mixed feelings and sadness when I learned of these matters.
On the one hand, it is very sad to hear of yet more alleged sexual misconduct by a leading Tibetan tulku teacher, although Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi is not an ordained monk. It appears some of the allegations may be true. I was verbally informed a few years ago by a young , American woman studying at Naropa that sexual messaging and photos had been exchanged at at Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi’s suggestion when she met him in Bhutan, and I saw no reason to disbelieve her, as she was defending his actions.
It also sets an interesting precedent of a monastery and a senior teacher effectively dealing with a younger teacher who is not acting in accordance with the Buddhist precepts and vows. One can only wonder how “bad” it got for Shechen Monastery management (whoever they are, as it does not name an individual author) to issue such a letter online.
But, surely one has to ask was it necessary, or even beneficial, for anyone to use such a humiliating and one-sided method of communicating that “news” to everyone on social media?
On the other hand, it also seemed manipulative and disingenuous, due to being inconsistent, as neither Shechen or Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche ever took action on, or distanced themselves, from other renowned abusive teachers, such as Sogyal Rinpoche. For whom, they even wrote praises after he passed away without mentioning a word of his survivors and the independent report about him.
Even in my own case, which I informed Rinpoche about in 2020, he then met and posted on his social media accounts a meeting with that same teacher, ignoring my testimony and that of other women.
Thus, as some online commentators observed, and I tend to agree with, it seems to be more about control and power of Shechen Monastery, founded by the former Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. In that respect, although I have never met and have no connection with the current Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi, I also feel sorry for the young Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi, who like other young senior teachers, were seriously misguided and negatively influenced by the older, senior men around them in terms of ways of interacting with women they meet.
The corruption of young men in male and monastic dominated Buddhist patriarchal systems (including the recent case of the 2nd Kalu Rinpoche, who is not only a survivor of abuse, but is also accused of maltreatment and misogyny towards women such as his ex-wife and daughter), and also that of Islam and the Catholic Church, and their cover-ups of female and child abuse is well-documented.
The sexual repression of men, forcing them to be celibate from a young age, and/or having distorted views of women and sex due to porn addiction—combined with toxic masculine sexuality and patriarchal power—seems to be leading not only to the complete degeneration of religions globally, but to the general well-being of society, family, women and children.
What is required in all these cases is not more patriarchal control and decisions from within the religious tradition, but compassionately objective, and independent investigations of the evidence and testimonies of both the accused and accusers (as happened with Rigpa and Sogyal). Teachers or followers heavily invested in the religious tradition itself cannot (and should not) make such judgements at all. That would be like asking Catholic Church priests to investigate and pass judgement on accused paedophile priests, who are often their friends/colleagues etc. It is clear that young boys are not safe in the hands of sexually repressed men, where there are no real safeguards in place, or female carers/role models.
Buddhist teachers (especially monastics) have a greater responsibility than students to act in ethically appropriate ways and should be leading the way upwards to full awakening, not downwards to more samsaric suffering led by lust and attachment. I feel the trauma and pain of those who feel betrayed and let down by the very teachers and communities who were supposed to provide a loving and compassionate refuge, yet instead found nothing but lies, misogyny, hypocrisy, bullying, intimidation, vindictive punishment and slander.
Thus, I feel a deep sadness, disappointment, frustration and compassion for all concerned, the teachers, the young men corrupted and abused by the senior teachers around them, and of course the survivors of any unwarranted and unjustified traumatising sexual, emotional and physical abuse and deceptions.
I sincerely wish them all healing, growth, health, happiness, love and protection from harm and full awakening.
N.B This report is a shorter version of a more detailed original report published by the author on Dakini Translations website here.
See more
TANTRIC BUDDHISM, VOWS, SEX AND WOMEN – the importance of love, respect and consent and what happens when a woman speaks out about lama misconduct (Dakini Translations)
Independent Investigation Report (Rigpa)
Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche (Sogyal Rinpoche)
Monastic Abuse: the Tragic case of Kalu Rinpoche. ~ Adele Wilde-Blavatsky (Elephant Journal)
Where Were the Women at the Global Buddhist Summit? (The Diplomat)
What Lies Beneath the Robes: Are Buddhist Monasteries Suitable Places for Children? ~ Adele Wilde-Blavatsky (Tibet Telegraph)