Adele Tomlin writes that the incident surrounding Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi deserves a balanced, just, and compassionate analysis taking into account a context of sexual repression and patriarchal trauma
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama: No one is sucking anyone’s tongue

The widespread visceral revulsion at the Dalai Lama’s infamous video is appropriate and warrants answers
Eye on Southeast Asia: Novices in Love and Living

Very young men or boys joining the sangha without adequate preparation is resulting in real problems
Monasticism: Celibacy and Companionship are not only compatible, but crucial

In the face of scandals involving sexual misconduct, it is not celibacy that needs reform, but rather monastic contact and communication with the opposite gender
Sri Yantra

Just as water will flow througha well-worn riverbed, even beyond and after death,I go to that place of memory between our legs, holdingthe sacred vessel with my lips, a holy mass we recite by rubbing,by binding, by applying our Tantric perfumesto the wound and by eating the unfolding body baked with sago,the astral body weaving […]
Exploration and Freedom: Womanhood, Relationships, and Love

Making women’s issues more visible is not just about putting more females in positions of religious authority, like fully ordained bhikkhunis. It is about discussing and acting out ways of relating and loving that women feel liberated by and unleash everyone’s potential to provide fulfillment, satisfaction, and even enlightenment for others. When it comes to the […]
Blissful Wisdom as a Key to Open the Mind

Lyudmila Klasanova Vajrayana or Tantrayana Buddhism is unique among other Buddhist traditions with the acceptance of the body and the sensual experience as a source of knowledge and great spiritual power. The human body is honored as a sacred temple and sexuality is considered an important part of the path to enlightenment. As part of […]