Conference: Gender Asymmetry in the Different Buddhist Traditions Through the Prism of Nuns

From 16 to 17 May in Perugia (Piazza Morlacchi 30), the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation of International Scholarly Exchange supported a conference titled, “Gender Asymmetry in the Different Buddhist Traditions Through the Prism of Nuns.” This conference examines the perennially sensitive and sociologically complex topic of women in the monastic traditions of Buddhism. This has been […]

Conoscenza: vincolata o emancipata dal costrutto identitario? Riflessioni epistemiche attraverso il prisma degli insegnamenti del buddhismo antico

Edizione originale in lingua inglese Traduzione italiana a cura di Costanza Ceccarelli© Āgama Research Group Ven. Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā. Buddhistdoor Global (BDG): Venerabile, potrebbe descriverci il tema e le idee generali esposti nel suo intervento al convegno? Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā (BD): Il mio intervento si occupa di esaminare come i concetti di esperienza e di costruzione condizionata […]

Dharma and the All-Divine: New Age and Buddhist Thought with Rebecca Wong Howe

In a previous editorial on the Ukraine crisis, we discussed the theological intersection of the country’s two Orthodox denominations and Buddhism. We asked the questions: how can we see the Dharma embodied in other religious traditions and others’ spiritual beliefs? How is the will of the bodhisattvas communicated? How can we learn about our own […]

The Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia: A Cause Worth Supporting

For years, the Swedish-born monk Vello Väärtnou has toiled on two core projects: the opening of a Buddhist Studies institute in Sweden and an online Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia. It brings together Tibetan, Chinese, Sanskrit, and Pali terms in a collection of approximately 81,700 entries explaining the terminology and discourse of Vajrayana Buddhism. I have known him […]

Earth Day 2022: Only So Many Chances

Today is Earth Day, a perfect opportunity to rethink our conventional paradigms that are dooming the planet’s livability for human beings. Today I would like to explore briefly several ideas alluded to in yesterday’s post. The first is Dr. María Elvira Ríos’ exploration of ganying, Dependent Origination in Óscar Carrera’s writing, and Jordi Solé Ollé’s exploration […]