A passionate poem for the stories told and yet to be told for the New Year
feminine divine
Cultivating our Inner Landscape
Diving into the deep possibilities of the feminine, and how it can both heal and be healed for moving toward spiritual maturity
Women in Indian Tantric Buddhism, Part One
There are two Vajrayana paths that lead to the spiritual realization of women – the path of a nun (Skt. bhikshuni, Tib. gelongma) who has renounced worldly existence, and the path of a yogini (Tib. naljorma) who can perform spiritual practice in solitude or combine it with family life. In the Indian Tantric tradition, there […]
Holy of Hollies
It is written that the almondsprung from thegenitals of theNear Eastern Goddess Cybele. And I thought that Iwas just eating nuts. They say that woman’sessence is in apricots and scallops, and floatslike the lotus and lily. But like some *sshole, I thought you were a ringto wear, some black stoneto venerate. I consecratethe stone and tried to wear it,like an amulet, makingyou […]
The Offering Goddesses: In Praise of Divine Beauty
Homage to you, the Eight Auspicious Goddesses—Beauty, Garlands, Song, Dance, Flowers, Incense, Light and Perfume—merely thinking of you makes success grow more and more! From The Verses of the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones, by Mipham Rinpoche