In today’s conditions – whether in the cities covered in grime and pollution amidst hustle and bustle or in remote rural locations situated in green, nature and empty space – we are the audience that captures the scene and translates it into our own story.
We have varied capacities to decipher the dialogues and streams of transmissions in every moment, in time and space.
If we have the eyes to see it, we are blessed. If we can’t see it, we surely have the potential to connect with it but it may not be visible to everyone yet. If we are not sure but we feel it in our gut, then we are already involved beyond our physical senses.
Our body, speech, and mind determine our connection to wholeness in our actions.
The balance of the masculine and feminine creates the platform for one to be able to be whole and fully engaged in the enlightened mind. Our brainwaves can show the levels of realisation or connectivity in the brain synapses.
The states of mind are as follows:
Beta (15–40 cycles per seconds): daily activity
Alpha (9–14 cycles per second): trance state
Theta (4–8 cycles per second): meditation state
Delta (1–3 cycles per second): coma state

The ability to slow the brain down to spacious receptivity is the key to a healthy mind, which in turn effects our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
We become shaped by our environments and the company we keep. This life-force is fine and subtle, yet always there. From the beginning our “contracts” and agreements we came into this world with are results of our karma from previous lives.
The ability to listen and be guided and to navigate through the chaos of everyday life is strengthening and maintaining this invisible thread is the key.
Being deeply present and open and receptive to one’s own heartbeat enables this self to manifest and unfold one’s true path with full abilities already in one’s blueprint.
At birth we are traumatised during the entrance into the world, and from there connections with other’s projections, expectations, and the programming of the daily patterns of life follow us throughout our lives.
Our feminine is sensitive, yet deep and vast, subtle and fluid, yet grounding and light all at the same time. The masculine brings forth the invisible into being, is communicative, and action orientated.
Healing the wounded feminine, cleansing of memories that held trauma: from being in the womb, birth and throughout our lives reflecting on when and what situations had been experienced, how it has felt?
Where is it locked in our body?
How has it become solidified?
How can we integrate it and dissolve it, by acknowledging it and bringing it to light?
Thus, making that area free again of restrictive feelings that we try to ignore and deny is critical. We have locked up our energy flows, and therefore our true capacity for being who we truly are.

What reflects the feminine? Some things come to mind: water, earth, nurture, receptivity, intuition, emotions, and feelings. . .
In a fast-paced world, lifestyles become the least of our foci. We aim for luxury and status, but never explore how we can attain enough energy, time, and self-care to really enjoy such a lifestyle. We are always rushing to the future with “what ifs” and “when’s.” If we attain this, we can become that, if we meet them, we will gain this, if we buy that we will match the others. . . the list of comparisons and reifications go on and on, exhausting us of our life force and true internal happiness.
In mild forms, comparisons, even with others, is a healthy way to measure our own development and improve where we can. We can use the other as our healthy guide or to cultivate admiration in their character, works, and attributes. They can be a source for sympathetic joy (mudita), one of the four brahma-viharas.
Or to juxtapose, we might witness what we don’t like in someone and see that as a mirror for our own challenges for improving ourselves. Repulsive characters and personalities can be the greatest teachers, as Vajrayana masters say often.
If we have the heart and eyes to be inspired for further advancing ourselves, we can see that even the way insects move around can be a teaching, a reminder for us to slow down. Or they could be signalling us to develop a more harmonious lifestyle, possibly to integrate “biomimicry,” or work with nature.

We can try to unlock the pain stuck in our emotions. The way we repeat our past hurts is what prevents us from moving forward or even just being in the open space of the now. We have an unhealed wound but because it is not an obvious physical wound, we carry this festering wound with us, not even realising we are not at full capacity.
Limping emotionally holds up energy.
The point of discussing this is not about picking at the wound but to bring in self-love and care, to address the issues which have bound us, and to give attention to gently applying the balm to remove the poison in the wound.
To listen to the yearning for that self-care.
To identify the medicines we need, in order to heal ourselves.
It hurts; if we cry, does it relieve a bottled-up dam of emotions? Name the emotion(s), what age was that situation? Speak to that child or adult self, ask what it felt feels, and bring it into the present. Breathe deeply into it: locate the feeling or pain in the body. Softly and gently acknowledge it and send it love and care, place your hands on the area and other hand on heart center. Stay like this for a few moments or as much as you feel you require. Be with it and let it flow: release it in the out breath. Take up writing, dancing, laughing, crying, singing, boxing. . . creating, will let the flow happen.
I found repeating this exercise helped release blocked energy and I also witnessed the weight I had been carrying around lighten.
The success of lightening the load and the spacious, yet open subtle joy will reveal itself. Within this inner landscape we will witness the divine feminine dancing with her heroic masculine!