The “3rd World Meeting Teresian Mysticsm and Interreligious Dialogue” concluded over 27 and 28 July with a good-spirited bond of friendship
The Mandala and the Mansion

The “3rd World Meeting Teresian Mysticsm and Interreligious Dialogue” is making history through its bringing together of Vajrayana and Catholicism in a formal dialogue
Beyond mere goodwill: Keeping authenticity in interfaith dialogues in Avila

This week’s Buddhist-Catholic conference in Avila is a unique opportunity to shape a “Buddhist theology of religions”
The Baha’i tradition is respected and treasured for its love of other faiths

This year’s World Religion Day about youth highlights how important the Baha’is see interfaith collaboration and cooperation
Diamond in the Desert: The Dharma and the UAE’s House of Universal Truth

The United Arab Emirates is leading the Islamic world in articulating a vision for social harmony among its diverse cultures and religious communities
The World Council of Churches and Pope Francis on Vesak 2023: Muddled Messaging or Mission?

The World Council of Churches’ Vesak 2023 message might clash with the Catholic Church’s sense of mission beyond interfaith dialogue
Ecumenical Bonds: Telo Tulku Rinpoche at Pakistan’s Mahabat Khan Mosque

Why is an esteemed Vajrayana leader praying in a famous Pakistani mosque?
Eye on Southeast Asia: Lunch at a Malaysian Temple’s Vegetarian Canteen

What a lunch at Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery’s canteen in Kuala Lumpur revealed about Malaysian Buddhism
World Religion Day in Hong Kong, 2023

“Healing the World” is an ever more urgent theme for the Bahai-hosted World Religion Day in Hong Kong
Dharma and the All-Divine: New Age and Buddhist Thought with Rebecca Wong Howe

In a previous editorial on the Ukraine crisis, we discussed the theological intersection of the country’s two Orthodox denominations and Buddhism. We asked the questions: how can we see the Dharma embodied in other religious traditions and others’ spiritual beliefs? How is the will of the bodhisattvas communicated? How can we learn about our own […]