After the Flowers

Into the hush a motherneeds when she strokesthe soft temples of her infantson, outside the dewdropsemerge once more. After theflowers are gone, on a blanketof peat moss, feeding the frogsand snakes, they emerge,hurtling toward the starvedemptiness of another daybreak. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as the Hazmat Review, […]

Tea by the Batten Kill

Rinsing away theworld, from a widow’speak above the Batten Kill, with a cup of rose tips, everything burned leavesthe fragrance of her dried lips,like old questions interrupted. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as the Hazmat Review, Moria Poetry Journal, Chronogram Journal, Ampersand Literary Review, […]

Weightless Noises

Wounded, we feel witnessedby time-by 200 years of war,a theater of bitter clouds and the breeze rippling the surface.  When we glint at the sun, we sail through the carnage.  That electrical charge. Thatslanderous appetite of a morning’suncertain future.  When we glint, we are back in time.The sound of piercing skin, thunder and other weightless noises. George Cassidy […]

Blue Mountain Jewel

Plunged intothe crevasses of alove untrammeled,you are my BlueMountain jewel,my wind-scourgedbase selected bythe elements. Burnished with slow infrared heat, youroriginal grace is liketiny iron grommetsholding my turbulence. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as the Hazmat Review, Moria Poetry Journal, Chronogram Journal, Ampersand Literary Review, […]

Find Your Tree

By George Cassidy Payne Find your treeand everythingZen made of sky.For the worldhas gone wrong.The gamma raysare off. The heartis anachronisticand losing powereach day. Old andin the way, waitingfor the morning todeclare the peculiarcondition of a tree-that boundary intime and space, thatwave like disturbance. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has […]