Hong Kong-based artist and columnist Helen Law expresses creativity as a way of life during and after chronic illness
Poem for Chris La Tray

you pour coffee into your cupin montana it turns into tea in my cupin scotland Support Our Dharma Work
Your Words Are the Path

It doesn’t matter thatno one cares. Keep writing. Do it.It doesn’t matter. Thevoice that tells you howit’s crap.The voice thatsays it doesn’t matter. The one that tells youthat good is notgood enough. That one. The one that doesn’twant you to create anythingbecause it is trying to savewhat it knows. The voicethat tells you that it knowsbut doesn’t. Keep writing.Don’t stop. […]
Why Hong Kong remains a pulsing hub of Buddhist inspiration

“Who said Hong Kong is too small? In size perhaps but not in its soul and personality. Every corner in this city giving you full of surprises, if not every hour but at least every day….” ― Baris Gencel Some of my favourite cities and towns are Wanaka and Queenstown in New Zealand, Haarlem in the Netherlands, […]
Buddhist Media: Sketching the History of a Vibrant Discipline

Yang Renshan and one of his sons. From Weibo Here’s a bit of a Zen koan: how do you keep still in the Colorado rapids? How do you maintain that mental gap in between events – the gap that allows you to respond to those events in a considered way, with compassion and insight, rather […]
Disenchant and Re-enchant: Spiritual Writing for a Cynical Age

Last week Buddhistdoor Global published a View about infusing the media industry with the values of the Noble Eightfold Path. Each “stoke” of the Eightfold Path can have fairly complicated considerations, but then again, journalism is a complicated industry. I also believe that regardless of our platform, whether it’s online or print, writers don’t give […]
Weaving Stories of Dharma and Joy
Raymond Lam Stories have been a beloved pastime of mine since I learned to read. In my childhood I devoured fiction of all kinds: from fantasy novels based on pop culture franchises to my favourite genre of world myths and legends retold in modern prose. Odin, Hathor, and Trickster Raven were my companions as much as my high school friends […]
Steve Braff The left wing tips down into a lazy bank right above the bilious white cloud skyscrape to the horizon – an immensity that almost eclipses the jagged profile of distant range that Everesting place of the so many aspirants fallen. I stare into that expanse and try to take my measure. Humbled, we fall […]