Eye on Southeast Asia: Supporting Buddhist Studies – Thailand’s International Buddhist College (IBC)

International Buddhist College (IBC), Sadao Campus, Songkhla, Thailand

International Buddhist College (IBC) of Thailand is a vibrant educational institution offering programs in Buddhist Studies: specifically, Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Arts (MA), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs. Located in the Sadao district of Thailand’s Songkhla province, it was founded by Ven. Dr. Wei Wu in 2005. Ven, Dr. Wei Wu is a visionary Buddhist monk who has dedicated his entire life to social welfare and propagating Buddhist education in Southeast Asia. Under the leadership of Ven. Dr. Wei Wu, IBC became a renowned Buddhist Studies institution, where non-sectarian Buddhist teachings are provided in both English and Chinese languages through expert Buddhist academicians and a rigorous curriculum.

Since its inception, IBC has strongly envisioned fostering Buddhist education as an international standard. There are three prime visions that IBC advocates:

  1. Offering quality Buddhist education within a spiritually dedicated, non-sectarian, modern, and scholastic environment;
  2. Promoting knowledge and understanding of different Buddhist traditions, thereby providing students with a unique opportunity to acquire a comprehensive and in-depth study of Buddhism;
  3. Seeking to combine the continuous inculcation of Buddhist spiritual values with the rigors of academic scholarship and a healthy appreciation for the richness and diversity of Buddhist traditions.
Venerable Dr. Wei Wu, the founder of the International Buddhist College (IBC) of Thailand

As IBC aims to foster world peace and welfare for sentient beings, the Pali-language motto of this institution is “Bahunnaṃ Vata Atthāya,” which means “For the Good of the Many.” In combination with the institution’s vibrant motto, IBC’s logo represents the sunrise over the sea and signifies progress and development in education and religion.

The logo of IBC with its motto Bahunnaṃ Vata Atthāya

With a primary focus on Buddhist studies, IBC offers four programs as follows BA in Buddhist Studies (English), BA in Buddhist Textual Studies (English), MA in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese), and PhD in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese). 

With the generous support of the Than Hsiang Foundation in Malaysia, IBC offers scholarships for both monastic and lay students, which cover tuition fees, meals, and accommodations. Further information regarding the scholarship is available here

IBC’s academic scholarships for the Buddhist Studies program

Recently, IBC announced academic scholarships and opened registrations for degrees in Buddhist Studies for the 2024–25 academic year.

The detailed information for registration is available here, and enquiries can be made to: [email protected] and [email protected].

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International Buddhist College
Venerable Dr. Wei Wu

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