Common threads of religious insight between Ancient Egyptian Ma’at and the Buddhadharma
In Review: “Threads of Awakening,” “Rebirth”

Here are some books I’m reviewing or have recently reviewed.
Virgin Birth

Impregnated by the stars,the womb flower invited you, swifter than lightningyou were invoked,refreshing the entire world,a cloud releasing its rain evenly for all George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as the Hazmat Review, Moria Poetry Journal, Chronogram Journal, Ampersand Literary Review, The Angle at St. John Fisher College, and 3:16 Journal. George’s blogs, […]
I will not be the last man to tell you

your smile,contaminated with purity,contains the sun, moon, and starsIf I were a patriarch, I would order incenseto be burned before it. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as the Hazmat Review, Moria Poetry Journal, Chronogram Journal, Ampersand Literary Review, The Angle at St. John Fisher College, and 3:16 Journal. George’s blogs, […]

Bestowing only impressions of sorrow, in the butter soft leather light of new fog,a royal procession of swans announce themselves. Birth and death. Nothing is attached for long. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as the Hazmat Review, Moria Poetry Journal, Chronogram Journal, Ampersand Literary Review, The Angle at St. John Fisher College, and 3:16 Journal. George’s […]

Long after therules of magica lush smoke of pipe tobaccorises from thedried leaves prayers cast inthe blackand oily birth light George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as the Hazmat Review, Moria Poetry Journal, Chronogram Journal, Ampersand Literary Review, The Angle at St. John Fisher College, and 3:16 Journal. George’s blogs, essays […]
Two Worlds

There are two worlds on Earth, that you believein, both nourishing sources of light-Suns without fire. So we recreate our patternsfrom scratch. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as the Hazmat Review, Moria Poetry Journal, Chronogram Journal, Ampersand Literary Review, The Angle at St. John Fisher College, and 3:16 Journal. George’s blogs, essays […]
Heaven and Earth

I am left timeless. My skin is timeless. Like the rusty mercury gauge in an old Chevy. I am gazing upon Christ. I am aggressive.My density is aggressive. I am an out of body experience. My blood pressure drops to zero. I am a cardiac arrest. The feeling of absolute resolution. I am the hangings, shootings, and burnings. I am a pathof […]
His Shaman Eyes

felt heavy as slabs ofsandstone,like the pyramids. But only after he offeredprayers tothe unearthed,cleansed bythe drumming,a cold thunder on the dry mouthof an Illinois Prarie. George Cassidy Payne is a poet from Rochester, NY. His work has been included in such publications as the Hazmat Review, Moria Poetry Journal, Chronogram Journal, Ampersand Literary Review, The Angle at St. John Fisher College, and 3:16 Journal. George’s blogs, essays and letters have appeared in USA […]

The mind is rustlingclothes, sound shadowsand deadening echoes. The feel of her proximityand the wall when a blindman is walking too close. Like black panthers, all of usfind our way by vibrations, when the night gets too dark.And in the morning, the mind isa patch of parsley green moss onthe white flesh of birch trees. The ones my daughter […]