Laurence Brahm launches a new series of videos about the message and media of the Lotus-Born Master, Guru Padmasambhava
Film Review: “Lotus-Born Master: Journey to the Other Side of the Black Hole”

Filmmaker Laurence Brahm’s new movie brings to a sci-fi setting compelling Buddhist characters and a dialectic commentary on modern society
Lhalung Sungtrul Rinpoche: A Conversation with Pema Lingpa’s 11th Incarnation

An exclusive interview with Lhalung Sungtrul Rinpoche on his recent work with preserving Bhutan’s Buddhist heritage and helping women advance in Dharma studies
A New Translation and Commentary of the Kalachakra Tantra by Niraj Kumar

A new translation of the Kalachakra Tantra from Niraj Kumar
“Seven Line Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava” – A Milestone Translation and Song

I remember first listening to the magical Imee Ooi over the speakers of a souvenir shop at Ngong Ping Village, which leads to the famous Po Lin Monastery in Hong Kong. It was 2010. Her songs, which are contemporary renditions of Buddhist dharanis, mantras, and passages from Buddhist texts, evoke aural Pure Lands. Her ethereal, […]

I make offerings with my body, speech and mindMay we understand the principle of the LotusThe inherent purity of the mindThe jewel that is beyond contaminationIn this difficult times of poverty, sickness, ignorance, violence and greedPlease, Lotus Born, guide usOffer the shelter of your wisdom mindBring our experience to Dharma,Magnetizing our willEnhance our qualities and […]

I am not a saint I used to live as a drunk From sip to sip Allowed myself to be absorbed In the daily poisons I sank in descending spirals I once touched the ground Where there is no more Gambling As I lost all of it Pride, desire, aversion… Envy… Even delusion itself Nothing […]
Precious Guru

Master of my being I am longing for the day To see your gentle face Once more To touch your hair and smell the sandal fragrance in your curls Tears drop when I remember you Your skin is golden and soft And there is no place compared to your arms Being close to you is […]
Show me the Truth

This poem on insight and illusion was translated from Portuguese to English by Daniela Boeira. Show me the truth Honey is sweet by nature Offer me the most precious treasure The lamp that dissipates the darkness Within my hesitant mind Small and slow steps Your enlightened compassion does not waver While cutting sharply through illusions I […]