Love is the absolute The unsurpassable The final dissolution Without destination May I be the lover The honey in all your senses The softness of the goddess May your heart open broadly Without anything to hold back Just pure deliverance May we see our eyes mirroringPure songs humming And the fragrance of fire Burning Clouding the […]
At the Edge of the Sea (for Rachel Carson)

Death is the one event that everyone knowsnever happens the way it is supposed to.Death is a secret realm. It has an entrance with fountains scented with lavender masking the stenchof blood. On the loudspeakers, the rhythms of eternity.On the front door, a quote by Rachel Carson: each grain on a beach is the result of processesthat go […]
Refusing to See Reality in “In the Mood for Love”

In the Mood for Love did for Hong Kong what La Dolce Vita did for Rome. Just as the Trevi Fountain was relatively unknown as a tourist spot before Anita Ekberg and Marcello Mastroianni’s iconic embrace, In the Mood for Love is a sensuous, colourful masterpiece that eroticizes cramped living spaces and romanticizes the gritty alleyways […]
Mother of the Dharma Body

This poem on the feminine infinite is offered in its Portuguese original and its English translation. Drolma Dharmakaya Mother Space of the beginningless end Ineffable and ever present Your touch is my very skin Free us from the imprisoning mind From the coarse eyes that only perceive lies I hear with delight the melody of life […]
Postcard from Raymond: What is Dharma?

Dharma is the cosmic law of reality. It is simultaneously the Buddha’s teaching, meaning two very important things. First, it means that the Buddhist teachings and reality itself are one and the same; they correspond to each other. The Dharma is the fount of all things which lies beyond the universe and the wheel of […]
Destination Unknown
Sherri Maxwell When starting on the path, you have the guardrails up, the training wheels on, you are on track, and everybody is there to support you. How wonderful. We are headed towards “Enlightenment.” Your Sangha is heavenly, your Guru is amazing—you are all set. That is, until life events punch holes in your conviction […]