Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism: Worldly Truths (2)

A passage from the I Ching can be taken as our “mirror” to reflect on the cultivation of morality – Scoundrels shift blame and snatch credit. Ordinary people cover up mistakes and flaunt their achievements. Superior persons decline acclaim and reward for their accomplishments. Those of surpassing virtue share the bitterness and blame from others’ […]

Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about Attributes of the Pure Land School: Worldly Truths

A practitioner should remain quiet about his achievements and flaunt his mistakes. Why? If we reveal our wrongdoings and mistakes to others, our karmic obstructions will be cleared. If we cover them up, the karmic obstructions will become even heavier. If we have reached certain goals or received credit for our accomplishments, we should keep […]

Resolutions of Character

“Resolution” has several meanings. The commonly held definition, particularly at the turn of each New Year, is the idea of committing to doing something differently, to improve oneself. Yet people often forget the other definition that needs to accompany this kind of resolution: the resolution denoting a strong will, the idea of perseverance and tenacity. […]

The Cost of Unhappiness

Master Jingzong; English translation by Fomu, edited by Jingtu I read an excellent article on the internet today titled, “There Is a Cost to Every Type of Unhappiness.” I fully agree with the premise. There are too many people who don’t understand it, for they are accustomed to being unhappy. To them unhappiness seems almost […]