Date: 28 June
Time: 18:00 PDT (09:00 HKT)
On 28 June at 18:00 PDT, BDG will be hosting California-based Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo, teacher and master of the art of silk appliqué thangkas, for a Zoom talk titled, “When Your Detour Becomes Your Life’s Path.” Leslie will discuss her upcoming book Threads of Awakening: An American Woman’s Journey into Tibet’s Sacred Textile Art (2022), which chronicles her remarkable journey that brought her to Nepal and India, eventually coming into contact with the Tibetan diaspora community and answering her calling as a silk appliqué thangka artist. This is a unique art form that meticulously stitches Tibetan Buddhist deities, motifs, and imagery into works of vivid and colourful silk. Her soulful book is part travelogue, part spiritual biography, and part artistic chronicle.

We look forward to seeing you at Leslie’s talk later this month.