Inspired by a sacred Ute prayer River teach me changeas falling leaves decompose in the formless current River teach me hopeas the source and end, both come from mountains River teach me how to get lostas two young lovers walk along your bank not needing to be found River teach me how to savor the […]
Looking for a Place to Go

The last time I checked the Buddha never went toa Zen center to meditate.Jesus never talked to his fatherin a church or ate the bread ofhis own limbs at the altar.Moses never needed permissionfrom a rabbi to climb mountains,talk to burning bushes, or read tabletsto the masses down below, those whoare always looking for a place […]
A Perfect Stillness

There is a perfectstillness to these stories. The first instance of a gravitational wave. Anyways, is there anevent that has a bigger explosion of gravitationalwaves than two black holescolliding?Can three or more black holescollide at once? Would that be the sound of God,a ripple in Time – a wave of gravitythat only humans can hear?The sound of God is a […]
Science and Religion

Master Jingzong; English translation by Chia Chang Wang, edited by Jingtu “Religion” here refers specifically to faiths that embrace a single creator-god. Science and religion are like day and night. Science resembles the day; it wants to reveal things clearly. Religion is like the night, intending to enshroud everything. Don’t criticize religions as “superstitious,” or […]